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 Ezra Johnson recently became a member of The Texas Bar College. The Texas Bar College is an honorary society of lawyers who are among the best trained attorneys in Texas. Members are qualified attorneys who are interested in both high ethical standards and improved training for all Texas attorneys. The Texas Supreme Court established the State Bar College on December 14, 1981. It recognizes and represents lawyers who make an extraordinary commitment to professional education.
Joseph Fitzsimons recently joined The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas (“TAMEST”) Shale Task Force, which was created to review the impacts of shale oil and gas development in Texas. The purpose of the study is to help all Texans understand what we do and do not know about the potential environmental and other impacts of shale development and hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas. The issue is of great concern to Texas and both the public and decision makers are continuously provided potentially confusing and/or conflicting information. The goal of the study is to evaluate the scientific…
Ezra Johnson and Robert Park have published a paper titled, “Bradshaw, Bradshaw, and Bradshaw: The Executive’s Duty to the Non-Executive and What it Means to Avoid Self-Dealing” that appears in the Spring 2015 Oil, Gas & Energy Resources Law Section Report. The paper provides practical advice to attorneys related to the executive’s duty to the non-executive interest owner.
Partners Trace Burton and Ezra Johnson were interviewed by staff writer Jennifer Hiller for an article published in the June 28, 2015 edition of the San Antonio-Express News titled “Legal Trouble Flowing in Eagle Ford.” The article detailed the continued confusion around title issues and in determining the amount of royalty mineral owners receive from oil companies when property has been conveyed. To add to the confusion, district and appellate courts around the state have different interpretations of how royalty percentages are calculated.
Trace Burton has been nominated and accepted as a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation.  Members of the Texas Bar Foundation are an elite group referred to as Fellows. New Fellows are selected from the top 1/3 of 1% of the membership of the State Bar of Texas.  Selection is based on an outstanding record in the legal profession, as well as a proven commitment to support the community at large. Being nominated as a Fellow means you are on your way to becoming part of an exclusive membership consisting of the top lawyers across the state.